Training manager

Available tools

The company subscribes to the solution, hosted by Atlantia, and can choose which tools to include. The following tools are currently available:

Atlantia BaseCamp (included in Atlantia TrainingManager)

The main module with company specific contents and design. Here you'll find the user administration and menu for accessing the other modules among other things.
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Atlantia BaseCamp

Atlantia CourseAdmin (included in Atlantia TrainingManager)

Keep control on courses with goals, target groups, documentation, classrooms, instructors, equipment, etc. Track participants, course calendar and print diplomas.
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Atlantia CourseAdmin

Atlantia CourseBuilder (included in Atlantia TrainingManager)

Produce your own e-learning courses through a easy to use user interface. The course is made available on the site with a single key press.
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Atlantia CourseBuilder

Atlantia CoursePlanner (included in Atlantia TrainingManager)

CoursePlanner lets you build a course structure (e-learning and classroom courses) with topics, duration, target groups, learning goals etc. in a systematic way. The course structure can then easily be exported to CourseBuilder.
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Atlantia CoursePlanner

Atlantia eLearningAdmin (included in Atlantia TrainingManager)

Organize and give access to own and external e-learning courses.
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Atlantia eLearningAdmin

Atlantia FeedBack (included in Atlantia TrainingManager)

Tool for gathering feedback on the various training actions. The feedback form is tied to e-learning or classroom courses, and reports can be compiled.
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Atlantia FeedBack

Atlantia WebTest (included in Atlantia TrainingManager)

Create tests that ties to e-learning courses or classroom courses. The tests can be printed and done on paper. Various reports on courses, arrangements, customers, etc. can be compiled.
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Atlantia WebTest

Atlantia Contacts

Atlantia Contacts lets you move your address book online. Keep track of customers, suppliers, partners etc. and track important activities and communications with these.
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Atlantia Contacts

Atlantia DocumentMan

Create and share electronic documents online. Track revisions and changes, and make the documents available for those you want, regardless of their physical location.
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Atlantia DocumentMan

Atlantia NewsTool

Create news articles with text and images and publish these on the frontpage. Create newsletters and send to customers, internal news, etc.
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Atlantia NewsTool

Atlantia ResourceAdmin

Plan and keep track of available resources, create work assignments and activities, and show it all in a calendar for an easy overview.
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Atlantia ResourceAdmin

Atlantia SurveyTool

Tool for creating and following up surveys, customer satisfaction and so on. Various reports can be compiled, or the results downloaded.
More info

Atlantia SurveyTool

The various tools will continously be updated with new functionality. New tools are also under development.